Top Ads
Sexy Nell, 26
available, today until 23:00
last ad update more than 12 hours ago
About me
Nationality | Czech |
Age | 26 years |
Measures | 160 cm, 52 kg, foot 37 EU |
Breasts | size 2 |
Eyes, hair | brown eyes, brown hair |
Private parts | completely shaved |
Tattoo | yes |
Piercing | no |
Smoker | no |
Experience | experienced, profi |
I offer | private |
Other girls | I'm not alone |
Services for | men |
Jsem takova jako na mych fotografiich
Sluzby ktere nabizim jsou GFE - nemusis se bat, od prvni chvile kdy otevru dvere je atmosfera uvolnena a velice pratelska.
Chovej se ke me jako ke kralovne a ja se budu chovat k tobe jako ke krali.
Drzim se pravidla, ze kdyz ty budes prijemny a pozorny ke me - ja budu dvakrat vic, myslim ze jedna z mych prednosti - je muj usmev ktery rozdavam kazdemu z vas. Chci, ale take upozornit na to, ze veskery servis, ktery delam zalezi ciste na mem uvazeni a take na tve hygiene - prosim o vzajemny respekt
Mezi muj servis patri vasnive polibky, orálek, sex v mnoha pozicich, lizani, 69 a to vse muzeme zakoncit masáži
Zakladni ceny :
30 min 80€ 2 Výstřiky
45 min 120€ 3 Výstřiky
60 min 160€ orál bez 20€ Ne omezeně
Mezi EXTRA SERVISY patri :
Orál bez (OWO) 20 extra
Zakonceni do pusy(CIM) 20 extra
Polykani (swallow) 30 extra
Ceny nejsou pohyblive, prosim respektuj je
Jsem absolutne idependent girl - to znamena, ze ne vzdy mohu zvednout telefon - prosim v pripade ze nezvednu tvuj hovor - nechej mi SMS
Prosim dodrzuj cas na kterem se domluvime
V pripade, ze nemuzes prijit na domluveny termin, prosim zrus nas domluveny cas
Tak jako ty o me vis vse, ocenila bych nejaky popis tve osoby
Neprijimam Romy
Nezvedam skryta cisla (CLIR)
Teším se na tebe v mem utulnem apartmanu v soukromi
Vzdy jsem upravena, oblecena v sexy pradle, vonava - hyguena je u me na 1.miste
rekni mi tve touhy a ja ti je rada splnim
Teším se - Tva Nell
I speak perfect english language too :
Are you looking for a nice real blonde with sky blue eyes from the Czech Republic? You don't have to search anymore, you just found her I am passionate, kind, friendly, playful and I love my job
I am like in my photos
The services I offer are GFE - you don't have to worry, from the first moment I open the door the atmosphere is relaxed and very friendly.
Treat me like a queen and I'll treat you like a king.
I stick to the rule that if you are nice and attentive to me - I will be twice as much, I think one of my strengths - is my smile, which I give to each of you. I also want to point out that all the service I do depends purely on my discretion and also on your hygiene - I ask for mutual respect
My service includes passionate kisses, orál sex, sex in many positions, licking, 69 and we can finish it all with a massage
Basic prices:
30 minutes 90€
60 minutes 150€
45minures 120€
Orál without (OWO) 20 extra
Finished in the mouth (CIM) 20 extra
Swallows (swallow) 30 extra
Prices are not movable, please respect them
I'm an absolutely independent girl - that means I can't always answer the phone - please, if I don't answer your call - leave me an SMS
Please keep to the time we agree on
In case you cannot come to the agreed time, please cancel our agreed time
As you know everything about me, I would appreciate some description of your person
I don't accept Roma
I don't pick up hidden numbers (CLIR)
I look forward to seeing you in my cozy private apartment
I'm always well-groomed, dressed in sexy underwear, fragrance - hyguena is in the 1st place for me
Tell me your desires and I'll be happy to fulfill them
I'm looking forward to it - Your Nell
Ceny: Lizani v ceně broučku
Orál bez 20€
30min - 90€
60min - 150€
Na SMS nereagujem.
Neznáme čísla (CLIR) nedvíham.
Ak nedvíham, skús zavolať neskôr, asi som obsadená.
Special details
Working time
Registration: 26.12.2024
Views: 58574