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Ethical Code of the Advertising Platform

Our advertising platform is intended exclusively for adults over 18 years of age who offer or seek voluntary adult services. We ensure that all principles of ethics, safety, and legality are adhered to on this platform in compliance with the applicable legislation of the Slovak Republic.

Using our platform is only possible in accordance with this ethical code, which establishes clear rules and limits.

1. Emphasis on Voluntariness and Personal Freedom

We support only voluntary and legal activities of adults over 18 years old, who make decisions freely and without any coercion. We do not support, tolerate, or allow any form of pimping or forced prostitution. Each user is fully responsible for the content of their advertisements and all services they offer.

2. Rejection of Human Trafficking

We strongly reject human trafficking. In case of suspicion, we encourage users to report such content, and we cooperate with the relevant authorities.

3. Protection Against Sexual Exploitation and Forced Prostitution

We strictly prohibit and do not tolerate any advertisements or content that could indicate or support sexual exploitation of individuals, including those in need or in a dependent position, forced prostitution, or blackmail for the purpose of providing services. All services must be offered based on the free and informed decision of an adult over 18 years old without any coercion. In case of suspicion, we encourage users to report such content, and we cooperate with the relevant authorities.

4. Protection of Minors and Ban on Child Pornography

We strictly prohibit and condemn any sexual abuse of children or minors. The distribution of child pornography, endangerment of morality, and publication of any textual or visual materials that constitute criminal offenses defined by criminal law are strictly prohibited. Browsing, registration, and advertising on our platform are permitted exclusively for adults over 18 years of age.

5. Protection of Crime Victims

If there is a suspicion that an advertisement related to victims of human trafficking, sexual exploitation, or other criminal activity has appeared on our platform, we urge users to report it. We are ready to cooperate with law enforcement authorities and other competent institutions if necessary.

6. Ban on the Distribution of Illegal Content

We strictly prohibit any textual, visual, or audiovisual materials that:

Each advertisement must respect the rights, dignity, and safety of all individuals. All advertisements must comply with applicable laws and the rules of our platform. We do not accept content that could violate laws or promote illegal activities.

7. Ban on Inciting Criminal Activity and Hatred

We prohibit any content that could incite criminal activity, law violations, violence, or racial, religious, ethnic, or other intolerance. Every user is required to behave politely, ethically, and in accordance with good morals.

8. Privacy and Personal Data Protection

We respect the privacy of our users. We prohibit the distribution of personal data, photos, or phone numbers of third parties without their explicit consent. We prohibit blackmail, threats, and unauthorized handling of sensitive information.

9. Legal Responsibility and Sanctions for Violating the Ethical Code

Violation of this ethical code may result in:

Every user is required to act in compliance with the laws of the Slovak Republic, and each user is fully legally responsible for their content and actions.

10. Reporting and Cooperation with Authorities

We provide the possibility to report suspicious content or behavior. In case of reasonable suspicion of criminal activity, we are ready to cooperate with law enforcement authorities. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Final Provisions

This Ethical Code is binding for all platform users. By using our service, you agree to these rules and commit to complying with them. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can always contact us. Our goal is to create a safe, ethical, and legal environment for all users.